Good Leaders, Good Communities, People Live to Improve
China has problems. Legitimate freedom is not available (2019). Sure, the average Chinese person now eats better than in generations past, and has more money to afford things. China contributes to the world economy, true, while all the while generating awful pollution, providing the citizenry that steals or pirates other international trademarks and licenses. Chinese businesses are dynamic worldwide, doing a lot of positive growth in developing nations, despite the lack of enforcement of basic human rights, considerations for a more decent humanity.And, the lack of freedom combined with the coerced living forced upon many Chinese and immigrants internally, like Muslims, Christians, and others is unacceptable. Shame on them! We cannot force people to believe or worship the way we want them to. Even though some might assert that the West does this upon others... We cannot accept this for humans. Freedom of belief and free expression and practice of worship is fundamental. Thought cannot be deprived.
Besides the Chinese government aspirations to rule over the neighboring seas that conflict with the Koreas, Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam, China has its own churling domestic problems that bespeak serious issues that need to be resolved.
The second most populated place on earth, India, is getting better. There are serious problems of resources, and dire poverty, and religious and ethnic conflicts, but they seem to progress faster than much of the world, compared to where they have come from.
The United States, the world superpower but humbled in the last two decades of military struggles, comes in at number three. There are issues here, as elsewhere in the developed world, but people are progressing. There is poverty and injustice, but the economic and democratic engines are constantly pumping, we hope for the better. Those in office that we disagree with can be voted out relatively quickly.
Number four in the world is Indonesia. They are doing okay, their economy is moving robustly and their democracy seems to work. Natural disasters are as bad there as anywhere, but the people seem to progress.
Brazil has its corruption and troubles, but it is progressing as its national flag assuages.
After the fifth biggest nation in population, Nigeria is quickly becoming that. Number 5. To round out the top ten in world population totals is Russia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and newly member-gaining Mexico surpassing Japan! ! Viva Mexico!
Add Japan to the top ten countries in 2019 and this accounts for some almost 5 billion folks, the rest of the 190 or so nations and territories giving us a healthy 2 plus billion remainder.
Nevertheless, many people think us 7 billion plus human life forms (will we hit 8 billion pretty soon? Most assuredly...) are superfluous to the efficacy of the truest state of the planet, that is, that the Earth should be treated before and above its inhabitants. Flora and fauna of the non-humanoid variety is the highest aim for some.
Things in those realms have their struggles: there are parts that are favored economically for commercial gain, blessed and propitiated as it were, by the Invisible Hand of Adam Smith. This is good for exotic products of the Amazon or other extinct-threatened areas. Some powers and politicians and their constituents (including the elite scientists and their rational followers and acolytes) are upping the ante on the fight for green environmental issues. Saving our planet from doom. There is debate as to whether this is true or not, Al Gore Inconvenient Truth or not.
Notwithstanding, the oceans are rising, the arctic zones are warming. It appears.
Weather is getting more extreme? Apparently.
Meanwhile, (as Steven Colbert most pompously lampoons), there are:
Good Leaders, Good Communities, People Live to Improve
-- our beat goes on.
God knows, joked Joseph Heller.
Heller, the man who modernly defined or coined the paradox term or concept of wishing to be deemed crazy in order to escape the fate of an awful situation where one could only be certifiably insane to stand being there.
That was a large taste of World War II.
Currently we are staving off the Third, while perhaps it is climate or resource Armageddon that awaits.
We need Good leaders, (not you Chairman Mao or Comrade Stalin, despite the hordes of idiots (today's 2019 countrymen who extol them, who think highly of them. Ugh, partisanship.
Yes, Mao helped save China from the Japanese, and Stalin did rescue Russia, or the Soviet Union, from the Deutchen. The Bundeswhr. The Wermacht. A complete machine of war, that one was.
There are those, including our own U.S. compatriots, that accuse us of being this type of War Machine, an ongoing juggernaut that continues relentlessly to churn out killer soldiers, weapons, systems of domination.
Nay, George Washington and his dozens of successors have been truly benevolent, after all, despite the blame games from Native American genocide to the apology of African-American slavery to a hundred other militaristic and inhumanistic atrocities ensconced in official and covert policies.
The USA is the best force on the planet, of that I am assured.
Flawed yes, imperfect, always, improving and expanding for good?
Indeed. We support internal and external good leaders, their communities, and the progression of improvement.
We thank those that support us in these goals and efforts.