Probably the worst obscenity that I can think of is to know that there are things that you can have some influence and power to change for the better and not do it.
To let poor sleeping dogs lie, and not help, care, or acknowledge that you could change things. That is, if you do in fact care about poor sleeping dogs.
That, to me, is obscene. Not act on something that you believe you care about.
Definition of obscene
: abhorrent to morality or virtue
: designed to incite to lust or depravity
… the dance often becomes flagrantly obscene and definitely provocative … — Margaret Mead
: containing or being language regarded as taboo in polite usage
obscene lyrics obscene literature
: repulsive by reason of crass disregard of moral or ethical principles
an obscene misuse of power
: so excessive as to be offensive
obscene wealth obscene waste
If you have a problem with pollution, you do what is within your power and influence to not pollute and do not contaminate the world. Be it small or large, that is how you act. You vote that way, you advocate that way. You dispose that way and help others to do so.
If you are an American and you do not like something as the government does things, then you vote to change things, you can protest, you can donate money change things. You can complain. Or you can leave that place, be it the community or region, or even the whole country.
Move with your money and savings if you feel that strongly about it.
I feel strongly about hunger.
I believe that no one should suffer from it, especially the young and the old. Or the disabled.
So, if you really believe that hunger should be alleviated, you do things, say things, act in ways that fight for what you advocate. Stamp out hunger. Figure out ways to fight it. You pay taxes and probably something more to fight the poverty of the hunger.
As an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I pay an active tithe.
That means ten percent of my annual income. Before or after taxes, that is a lot. But I believe that my faith uses those funds to accomplish a lot things, including fight hunger. Here in the United States and worldwide. More specifically we pay beyond tithing in food offerings from fast donations to alleviate hunger. All the funds go to the same leadership and administrators, which is in the hundreds of thousands.
We advocate a lifestyle and diet beyond just avoiding hunger: we avoid the other chemical induced ingests or consumption that cankers the body and spirit. We avoid waste of money by focusing on essential items to sustain us. That is not nicotine, alcohol, or excessive caffeine. Or worse.
Put your money where your mouth is. Spend your money and efforts on what matters to you.
If you care about causes and beliefs beyond your own simple life (of course that is a worthy goal to take care of first) put you time and energy where it makes the difference.
Feed the world.
Michael Jackson had that right.
Make it a better place. For me and for you and the entire human race.
Give to the greater good. And live.
Do something significant to avoid committing your own obscene gesture.
Put your money where your mouth is. Spend your money and efforts on what matters to you.
If you care about causes and beliefs beyond your own simple life (of course that is a worthy goal to take care of first) put you time and energy where it makes the difference.
Feed the world.
Michael Jackson had that right.
Make it a better place. For me and for you and the entire human race.
Give to the greater good. And live.
Do something significant to avoid committing your own obscene gesture.
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