Sunday, July 29, 2018

Summers Past and Present

 Summers Past and Present

Summer time for most American kids is a time of joy and wonder. (I cannot speak for most of the rest of the world, because I have really only spent some summers observing children up close in South America, where much of the following still applies to various degrees-- places in other continents may or not apply).

No school for weeks. Trips to the pool, or some other fun destination of entertainment.

Most American families plan on at least one big family trip, a vacation break that very often involves spending time with extended family that they may not normally see or spend time with.

Based on the formal education system in the United States, summer offers a chance for children to explore other avenues of learning and finding about the world.

Parents who have the money and interest in taking their children traveling seem to afford their kids the best opportunities to learn and grow; some kids end up being part of many camps and programs in order to develop in various ways that most schools do not provide.

As a younger child I would travel to a few nice places, especially in  New England. But there was also Canada and the upper Mountain West.

Where have you gone? what have you done? what have you learned in the summer?

Warm months of freedom and expanses.

And then there's work...

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