Sunday, June 24, 2018

The Prophetess of Doom and: to Each Their Own Work

The Prophetess of Doom and: to Each Their Own Work

     Last night I was out walking on a city street with my wife. We were going to a store that interested her; we were walking the city streets to approach it, where the side walks had assorted trees contained in metallic circular frames surrounded by pavement.  As I walked by a lady in front of the store, I noticed that she was staring at the side of a tree emplaced in front of the establishment. The tree might have been 25 feet high. Maybe it was a foot in width.

I found it interesting that a woman, or any person for that matter, would be doing that.  My wife and I walked into the store. We were not there very long. When I exited the front door area I observed that the lady was standing on the sidewalk. I asked her, "Were you looking at that tree?"

She was friendly and explained that the tree had a blight and was dying; the tree had not only one fungus or killer blight, she remarked, but the trunk had one disease while above in its crest and upper branches there seemed to be another. Multiple blights were killing this thing. We talked a bit.  I gathered that she was increasingly  alarmed by these types of ugly trends killing trees that she had observed for years. "I am old," she said, "but my grandson has to grow up with this ..."

I derived from the whole scenario that she was, as she claimed, a talkative introvert, and I suggested that she write a blog about this global problem, and local in this case, too.  I thought that this might quench a bit of her long held angst, and even help this specific problem be addressed and bring greater light to the solution of it. "Oh, no!" She replied. "I would not write about this doom and gloom unless I had a solution for it!"

Make sense?

I thought that this was contradictory. If she really cares, then she could do more.

I am not saying that a blog would or will save the world ...

But it would do more than staring at blights on trees that she has been observing for years-- and not help at all. Not causing ANY outside awareness to her observations, which appear to be true and valid, significant. I told her by only highlighting to anyone would possibly bring new ideas or possible solutions.

We talked about carbon footprints, and flying, and radiation, and the problems of future health. She mentioned her son flies all the time and the "radiation" of it worries her, but not him, and he should take iodine to stave off future problems related to so much flight time.

Lunatic or prophetess?

I think she is probably right.

Trees are dying of new amalgamating and evolving blights and diseases. Regular flying can be detrimental to your health, for all I know.

Welcome to our globalizing 21st century world.

Every generation has at last one watch person on the watchtower to warn of impending danger and doom.

We have them. Like Noah?

Do we listen? Do we share their insight and wisdom? From Adam until 2018? Do we read the wisdom of the sages and prophets?

I am trying. Consider yourself advised. I will continue to watch and pray.

Pray for our trees, and how to fight the diseases that destroy them and us. For ourselves, and our grandchildren.

One more thing: sin is real, and we need a cure called repentance. We need to find it. Always.

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