It's Nice to be Friends, But ...
There are some influences in my life that I should not be around. Therefore, I must be a friend to myself more and not be around you. If you introduce me to too much that I know is not good for me or my family, or my beliefs and those things that I espouse.
If you are truly a friend, either you will not influence me to do or get involved with things that are not good for me, or you will understand and stay away.
I read today (March 31, 2016) by various great and renowned authors and writers to FINISH.
That is how writers get better and get their work in. And, they HAVE to write.
I get that.
I started this post a while ago, with that thought... Sometime in 2015.
Was it summer or fall? Spring?
Well, this is my truth "half-way" through my life, my mortal sojourn. Perhaps, so far.