Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Not All Black Lives Matter, Enough

 Not All Black Lives Matter: Enough!

I don't believe that. ALL lives matter, of course. Black, white, brown, or any other shade or hue that people may come in. We all matter. Every life is valuable. No one deserves to die without a fair trial and unimpeachable evidence to convict them.

However, I really have come to the conclusion that not all black lives matter enough, ironically, to those who purport to state what the refrain has become in the mid twenty-teens: "Black Lives Matter", often followed by "Hands Up! Don't Shoot!" Also, there is the hard to forget, "I can't breathe!"

Understandable sentiments of frustration and pleas for redress of justice. I get that.

Those phrases have power and import, and would that that they were taken more seriously! You see, I think the people protesting the police who have unjustly or mistakenly killed people like Freddie Gray or Michael Brown or Eric Garner or the dozens or the hundreds of black men killed by law enforcement over the years have to own up to something.

ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER. And I believe there is hypocrisy when I see and know that people take to the streets and protest the police who have slain the above victims when there are thousands of other victims that are not given the same attention or care.

And most of them? Black. And too many of them? Innocent little children. And the culprits of these rampant killings? Does it matter? Yes, it matters, not perpetrators' race so much as the fact that they are the killers of these innocent minors in the black communities and homes tend to be gang members with weapons that they should not be possessing in the first place.

Can I get a "Black Lives Matter!" protest when a small child, having nothing to do with drugs or gang turf wars gets blasted in innocent blood and is bereaved locally and is buried decades before the natural arch of their life?

Do these kids matter? I almost would like to lead a street protest in behalf of these thousands of little ones. Their lives do matter.

How many black (and other children) died last weekend from unrelated crimes? Do we not know because we don't care, or did nothing of such tragic consequences take place anywhere in the United States?

How many black minors died in 2015 from these circumstances? Do we know any of their names? Do we don shirts and get riled up and march in the streets in their names?

I do think there are some minor protests that may get local attention for and behalf the slain of the  innocents.

But nothing like the size and sentiment of Ferguson, MO, or Baltimore, MD. Not enough shame or protest for them, the slightest and most innocent among us.

Shame on us, America.

Black lives do matter. All lives do. So do our law enforcement lives, who are buried at a regular pace serving in the line of duty.  We should care more about the terrible loss of all lives from wanton street violence, or rural violence, all violence.

Do we really believe what we put on our shirts? Don't get me started on Che Guevara...

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