Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Memorial Day Celebrates US Veterans; The World is Ambivalent

We celebrated our holiday honoring the fallen and those who were able to serve and give of their time and souls militarily assist the foes of our time: the British Empire, expanded Mexico, an internal confederacy, the Spanish vestiges of power, central European conquerers and Japan, North Korean and Chinese Communists, then the North Vietnamese, Saddam Hussein's fighters, Afghanistan's Taliban and Al Qaeda worldwide, and others.

There have been many others the United States has opposed.

The rest of the world observes, at times participates in favor of or against US military actions and interventions.

Some decry US policy, some sustain or tacitly accept it.

The United States marches on as the superpower, but the power of the people, especially those that sacrifice the most, make the nation the pre-eminent show of how a country is the world's actor of peace, war, controversy, hate, admiration, and thousand other polemics.

God bless America, bless us to improve and remember. Avoid mistakes and do the best thing for ourselves and our neighbors. We have saved the world from savagery. We also have done awful things. But the alternatives were not good or better, therefore doing what we have done has been the course of history, good, bad or indifferent. But in the end, the US government and people have tried to make the world safer, at least for the majority.

Blog on. EMC.

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