Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Israelites Are Not Necessarily Who They Think They Are

(Begun a few weeks/months ago but only had written the first 8-10 lines. Ongoing...)

Of all the belief systems in the world, one of them may be right. Is that possible? Yes.

Perhaps many of them could be true simultaneously, or as a few religions or philosophies posit, they could progressively be part of the same trajectory, fate or destiny of humanity, all combining over history to create the "way" the human family will play out on our planet, and maybe other planets as well.

Are we all correct? That does not seem to make that much sense, because of contradictions of so many beliefs. But many beliefs and possibilities could be right. At the same time.

The universe is, after all, a pretty big place. Room enough for multiple realities.

The biggest organized religions in the 21st century (just here on the planet Earth, the ones we empirically track) are the monotheistic traditional ones combined: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which all have connections to each other historically and contextually. Because of their outreach to other foreign cultures like the Hindu, Buddhist and others, like worldwide animists, the monotheistic faiths have covered the planet. The biggest belief-system in the world?

In the 21st century it is secularism. Or no? It is hard to gauge.

Secular beliefs---the belief in only the tangibly empirically known. Hmmm...

Could be.

Within the Judeo-Christian tradition, which some believe will still sweep China and other places in the near to distant future, there are many different ideas on "Israel".

Is is a political state? Is it a people? Is it an idea? A movement?

Many different takes on this word, Israel.

I will give you the one that one organization and most of its believers go by:

Abraham, some 2500 or so years ago, begat many children, and of the son Isaac (among others like Ishmael) there was the grandson Jacob who was the father of 12 sons, each getting their own tribe.

Hence, the Twelve Tribes of Israel.

According to Judeo-Christian beliefs, which vary in many aspects, these twelve tribes and their descendants figure into the history and end game, culmination of times, as it were, for the people of God.

Christians, Jews and Muslims believe in different aspects of this prophesy and belief.

Some religious people believe that the modern state of Israel, surrounded by the Arab nations to each side, is the embodiment of the spiritual prophecies of the Bible. They may be right in part, but according to some, they are missing a bigger picture, there are many more pieces and people at play.

Who is the tribe of Judah? Yes, primarily the Jewish people in and around modern Israel and scattered across the nations of the world in 2014. But, what of the other eleven tribes?

Judah is ONE of the Twelve. Who accounts for the others? Where, or who, or how do they fit in the prophecies of the Bible and other world events?

One faith, belief system, or organization claims to know a bit more.

Whether that which it posits remains to be seen.

But the belief is that the 12 tribes, including 10 that were lost primarily dating back to 721 BC, are out and about around the world.

By name, they are...not Ruben, the eldest of Jacob/Israel, because he lost his inheritance through lack of faith. That is why Joseph's two sons Ephraim and Manasseh fill that void, turning the leadership upside down, as it were.

Here is how Wikipedia chronicles them, in tiel below:

The mothers of Jacob's sons are:

So you see where the two sons of Joseph fit in, more or less.

Although, according to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ephraim and Manasseh are taking the lead based on modern day revelation, also contained in the Book of Mormon.

Most LDS in North and South America, and perhaps the rest of the world are descended from Joseph, from these two sons., spoken of in special terms of leadership and presence in the last days.

The tribe of Judah is also represented within some Mormon faithful, but more of the present day 21st century tribe of Judah is amassed within the worldwide Jewish community, as they have been for millenia. There may be a substantial numbers of the tribe of Benjamin as well.

The Hebrews, as they are known due to the lineage through Eber or Heber, an ancestor of the great patriarch Abraham, and their ethnic bloodlines, who still speak the anciently derived language Hebrew, are primarily descended through Leah. Although Joseph's mother Rachel is also a likely progenitor of the Jewish people, as explained because of her other son Benjamin, who remained with southern Judah (becoming known as Israel) when the 10 northern tribes were scattered by the Assyrians and others.

The tribes have all had their struggles for survival, but we recognize that the tribe of Judah, the Jewish people have gone through possibly the most existential threats in the last 2500 years. The Babylonians, the Romans, the Seleucids, Ottoman-Turks, Spanish, Russians, Germans and today's Arabs are the famous and not exclusive antagonist of peaceful Jewish life. Some would say that the same Jews have brought some of this pressure on themselves, but surely conventional wisdom does not agree with Hitler's Mein Kampf, or that the Jewish people posed a special threat to Europe or the greater world, let alone Germany in the time of the Third Reich.

But the twelve shall be led by the Messiah one day, as the Bible has promised.

How will it fit? No one knows all the answers. But there are some puzzle pieces all around.

Who may fit them together?

Blog on, EMC

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