Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Life Finds a Way

Life Finds a Way-- Written Meanings and Messages

Scribblers, chroniclers, scribes, writers. 

We are billions across thousands of years.

Those (of us) that wrote something. Some wrote many things. Many of those writings, or carvings, were kept. We record our words and voices. In many different ways.

Written messages and tales; these are older and more telling.

We see them now in caves or museums, or archived on film and webpage. 

Books and Ipads. Tablets and notepads.

Scribbles. Journals. Diaries. Notes.

Sketches. Musings.

We come from the womb struggling to breathe and feed and move.

We, mostly can hear and see and observe, and we eventually learn to analyze and connect.

Letters, alphabets, codes, sequences.

Lessons, morals, stories, formulas, tables of life and form. 

We write to remember, to understand, to take note for future use. To plan and organize, we record all these words and meanings.

We write to exist, to make some expression of who and what we are, to somehow live forever, foregoing death.

To make more of life while we are here. To figure a few things out.

And move on.

Bark at the moon! Said someone, sang someone, yelled someone.

Howl! Said the man slash hippie beatster on the Road.

The Road is is our tablet.

On Beyond Sumeria.

Thank you Seuess and ancient civilized ones.

Thank you written records.



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